Monday, July 16, 2007

Who did I leave behind?

Watched Asian Boys III last night.

It was quite good, though I thought the script of the 2nd part was a bit too rough, a bit like stuffing it down your throat. Personally, I think the play write over-did the part on bring his fiasco with MOE into the play.

Ben Xiao was cute as ever, though he seemed to be less bulky then before. But I think he looks better now.

But what got me thinking was the part when Nicholas faced the Nicole he had left behind in London.

Who did I leave behind in my personal journey? Which part of me had I abandoned?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"A man would know the end he goes to, but he cannot know it if he does not turn, and return to his beginning, and hold that beginning in his being. If he would not be a stick whirled and whelmed in the stream, he must be the stream itself, all of it, from its spring to its sinking in the sea.

Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life: bright the hawk's flight on an empty sky."

- Ursula Le Guin, The Earthsea Trilogy