Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I read with great amusement the article "Confessions of a Trophy Boyfriend" on Trevvy.

The writer stipulates that a "Trophy Boyfriend" must have the following attributes:

- Picture-perfect features. Think Orlando Bloom, or Takeshi Kaneshiro
- Height. Only 1.7 and above need apply.
- A toned set of pecs, biceps, triceps and other assorted muscle groups. Abs are essential.
- Youth.
- A big dong.
How did he know that? Well, he confessed to being one.

Hmm.... Not very subtle I must say. I don't know the writer so I shall take his words at face value -- no, I'm not interested to verify if he indeed is all of the above.

And oh, by the way, I have a confession to make myself.

I must confess that I am a ...

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