Friday, December 26, 2008

Acquired taste

This morning I made a cup of coffee from a coffee bag. It was only half way through the coffee that I realized that the coffee appeared to be unsweetened at all. What I was amazed is that I was not even aware that it was unsweetened.

I remember many years ago, I made unsweetened coffee for my diabetic uncle. I had a taste and found it totally "undrinkable".

Yet, unsweetened coffee is now quite palatable.

It's all really an acquired taste. For the past year, I have been reducing sugar intake for health reasons. Over time, I guess my palates must have adjusted.

I remember when I was very young, I hated vegetables. Back then, becoming vegetarian is probably unimaginable. Yet I have been a vegetarian for 8 years now. Again, it was a slow process of getting acquainted with vegetables over time. In my teens, when I realized I was not going to get enough nutrition if I don't eat any vegetables, I forced myself to eat some every time. But the time, I was ready to become vegetarian, it was not a problem any more.

Taste can be acquired and changed over time. So too habits and practice can be changed.

I think I need to apply the same attitude towards the practice of meditation. It's something I have not been able to get into regular practice yet.

It will be a good new year resolution and I will start with observing a day of silence and meditation at a temple on New Year's day.

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