Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Love, like you've never been hurt

Our body develops defense mechanism to protect us against hurt.

After frequent abrasions, our skin develops callous. Callous protects our skin against cuts and abrasions, but in the process, our skin also becomes less sensitive.

In similar ways, the heart may harden after each time it is hurt. While this protects it from being hurt in the future, the heart becomes callous and insensitive.

As I remember it from a TV serial, the ghost of a father who died from heart-attack told his heart-broken daughter: "When the heart completely hardens, that's the end of life."

True love may hurt. But it was true, then it will never become hatred. It will never become bitterness, nor dead cold indifference.

Therefore, "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt." 

1 comment:

Soe am i said...

Hi Nam Khim, read some of your posts the last time i came upon it. This time i thought i'd leave a comment.

I came across this quote recently and i think to me describes the one of the attributes of true love, non-possessiveness.

Rabindranath Tagore:
By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower