Friday, May 2, 2008

Innocence Lost 失去的纯真

看了《暹罗之恋》里(Love of Siam) 桐和缪的之间初恋,突然感到好像遗失了一段纯真。









The Love of Siam is a movie about love. The mainn plot was about the love between two young boys, a childhood friendship, blossoming into a sweet teenage first love, but aborted as quickly as it just started to grow. Yet, the movie had many subplots of love: of a parents' longing for a lost daughter, of a son's love of his defraying family, of a old granny's memories of her husband, of a grandson missing his dead grandma, of a girl unrequited crush...

The love between two protagonists, Tong and Mew, is so sweet and innocent.

The first loves during when we were young, seems so innocent and pure, simple and subtle, a little rash and immature perhaps, but full of passion and sincerity.

I never knew what was it like.

As I get older, my views towards love gets a little more skeptical, a little more practical, with more reservations, less glamour, and perhaps a bit of resignation.

We can never go back to a time past. I can only imagine what it might have been.

It was an innocence lost.

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