Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ubin on a Kayak

I wanted to explore Pulau Ubin on a Kayak for a long time.

I finally made the trip yesterday with 2 friends.

The weather was great for kayak. It was sunny and windy. There was lots of clouds in the morning but it did get a little to hot in the afternoon. The water was relatively calm and the currents were not too strong.

I saw lots of interesting things, including rubbish. When we kayak up the river, it was a little bit like those scenes you see from the nature documentaries. I almost expect a crocodile to jump out and snap at me.

Here's some photographs I took with my waterproof camera, the Fujifilm XP. It was quite difficult to take photos on the kayak as it is constantly moving and many pictures turn out to be quite blur. The colors from the camera turns out to be rather flat, especially when the sun light is strong. In constrast, I get more vivid colors from the Panasonic Lumix camara. The biggest problem is the water droplets on the lens panel. It's difficult to wipe it dry when you are out in the water and all wet. I will need to find some fabric to wipe it next time. Camera makers -- here a feature to consider -- add some coating or material to the lens panel that will repel water.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Replacing fonts in Open Office Writer

When you have have large document with a few different fonts, how do you replace one font with another font?

This was a big headache for me. I have a document of more than 200 pages. Interspersed through out the document are bits and pieces of text of a different font. I want to change the font because the print output of it does not go well with the font of the main text.

But it is a tedious process going through the document, highlighting the text, and the manually change the font.

I searched on the internet for a quick solution, but there is not much available information. There are a few people who used scripts to replace the font. I cut and paste the scripts but wasn't able to get them to work. I wasn't going to learn the scripting language to debug it.

I was about to give up when I stumbled on the Open Office Extension Services. Although the main installation of Open Office does not have a feature to replace fonts (it does have a feature to replace the font on screen, but it does change the original font in the document, which is not good if you need to pass the document to someone else), Open Office support "Extensions". These are additional bits of code which other people wrote that can be added into the application.

One of the Open Office Extension is the "Alternative dialog Find & Replace". It is Find & Replace tool that has more options that the standard one packed in Open Office Writer. Most importantly, it has the ability to replace fonts!

Assuming you already have Open Office installed, you will need to go to this web site to download the extension:

Install the extension and restart Open Office. You will have a "Alt. Find & Replace" item on the "Edit" menu.

You can use it to replace the fonts now!

In the screen shot below, I used it to replace all Arial fonts with Gentium Basic.

I used this tool to make more than a thousand of replacements, saving me hours of precious time!

This is one more reason to use Open Office!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010



一能知佛德之深远。 (认识佛陀德行的深远)
二体制文之次第。 (学习文体的规律)
三令舌根清净。 (说话善好)
四得胸藏开通。 (扩张肺部,使呼吸通畅)
五则处众不惶。 (面对众人而不胆怯)
六乃长命无病。 (强身益寿)


Monday, July 12, 2010





原文: Yunch’i Chu-hun (1532-1612) was one of the greatest Chinese monks of the last 500 years.

既然此人是中国人,必定有中文名字。在这种情况,是不应该音译的。但我从来没听过此人,而这名字又不是用汉语拼音拼出来的。我用谷歌与百度找"Yunch'i Chu-hun", "Yunchi Chu hun"等不同的拼法都找不到任何头绪。还好,这里给了此人的生年。最后我是用这个信息找出来此人的原名。原来这便是净宗八祖莲池大师。"Yunch'i Chu-hun"即是“云栖祩宏”。云栖是指大师常住的云栖寺,而祩宏是大师的俗名。


原文: One of his most famous innovations was encouraging both his ordained and lay disciples to have what he called a ‘Book of Good and Bad’ in which they wrote a record of their thoughts, speech and actions as an aid to self-examination and character building.

什么是“Book of Good and Bad”?当然最直接的做法就是直译为“善恶书”,但我相信这肯定是错的。其实,如果找不到原来的名称,最好还是不要翻译,而是用解释的,以免误导读者或给错的信息。比如,可以译成“...把思想、言行等记录下来...”如果赶时间的话,这是没有办法中的办法。但我想一个好的翻译员,就是要尽责,做出最准确的翻译。结过,我花了不少时间,寻找莲池大师的资料。问题是,原文作者认为这书是大师的著名创举,但有关大师的资料却都注重大师的其他贡献。最后,是找出来了。此书便是“功过格”!




之前,我碰见一篇译文把日本人“Nikkho Nirwano”名字音译为“尼高尼互那”。我还是花了不少时间,找出对应的汉字,即“庭野日敬”(其实,英语的拼法也不是很规范,所以也造成了困难。比较规范的拼法应该是Nikkyo Niwano)。


Wednesday, July 7, 2010









Sunday, July 4, 2010

