Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lest we forget

Last year's 23 Nov 2007, five fellow paddlers met an accident and departed. It was day of shock and sadness for the dragon boating community.

As a sign of mourning and for remembrance, I created the above picture.

This year's 23 Nov 2008, I found that I have forgotten, and remembered only when I saw the obituary on the newspaper.

I am not sure how many people paddling at the River Regatta remembered them amid their own joys and disappointments over the races.

If I had remembered, I would have asked my team to observe a minute of silence even as we celebrate our own achievements. But I had forgotten.

We humans are forgetful people aren't we? But that's also a mechanism to cope with loss and pain. Perhaps that's why we need memento like these: lest we forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't forget... just that we may choose to use our way to remember them.