Monday, June 9, 2008

The Middle Path

Yesterday at BDMS, Nick asked an interesting question about the Middle Path.

He asked if the "Middle Path" has shifted since the Buddha's times as it appears that the extremes have shifted.

I thought it was indeed a very interesting question.

The Buddha taught that the Middle Path was a path that avoided extreme self mortification and extreme indulgence.

But if the "extreme" has shifted does the "middle" point shifts as well?

The rich are definitely getting richer. We live in a society which encourages conspicuous consumption and an economy which works based on consumerism. As "standard of living" improves, what was previously a luxury is now a necessity.

And I can see how people's view of "moderation" can shift. I have seen my own standards shifts as well over the years.

But I think the Middle Path is not the "middle point" between extremes. Hence it should not be moved by the extremities.

Ven. Dhammika had a pretty good answer when he said the Middle Path is somewhere a little bit above the basic necessities (food, shelter, medicine, clothing), above what we would need to survive.

I think what we need to survive is a standard that is pretty consistent -- although the perception can be distorted.

As food and fuel prices goes up, driving up inflation and down disposable income, perhaps it's time to examine what's the Middle Path again.

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